Sunday, May 20, 2012

sweet, sweet summer.

Summer is rapidly approaching.

This means a lot of things.

sunshine. bonfires. late night walks. getting in shape and eating healthy. old friends. applying for jobs. spontaneous adventures. hiking. getting tan. visiting Andrew & Meg in cali!! WOOO!!! camping. trying to surf. music festivals and concerts. sleeping under the stars. swimming in lakes. fishing. taking a ton of pictures. reading good books in the sun. drinking countless cups of tea and coffee. watermelon. fireworks. smoothies. pina coladas on the beach. fireflies. prayer in the Madonna Chapel. road trips. canoeing. cloud gazing and naps under trees. bike rides. picnics. pool parties. wild flowers. climbing trees. tie dying. running around barefoot.

A good country song on the radio, while driving down the road, windows down, wind blowing through your hair.

Living simply appeals to me so much. Enjoying life's little simplicities. A good, quality cup of coffee, shared with a dear friend.
Quality. NOT quantity. enjoying the little things in life. true happiness. pure joy.

The summer before I studied abroad in Austria, I had to work and save as much money as possible. I found different ways to have fun. Rather than shopping, I would go on a nice long hike, or an adventurous bike ride. I would wake up early and enjoy a good cup of tea, sit in the sun, and read a book. I went canoeing down the Fox River with one of my best buddies. I spent the 4th of July on the lake with a few friends. I listened to A LOT of Jack Johnson & Josh Ritter. My cousin, Pablo, also visited from Poland, so we went to the Zoo. We went fishing, played sand volleyball and went on some hikes on the trails at our local state park. What a dream of a summer...

That summer is so memorable. There is so much beauty in simplicity.

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