Monday, May 28, 2012

memorial day

I would like to take this time to thank all of those that have served and lost their lives fighting for our GREAT AMERICA! They have sacrificed so much so that we can live in this free country as we please.

This weekend, my family went to Starved Rock, and we hiked some of the trails! It was a blast. Seeing the beautiful flowers, trees, canyons, waterfalls, makes God so real. I see so much of God's beauty in nature! And I love hiking and the outdoors. I still want to go white water rafting though!! SOON!

I'm in need of a great adventure.

Currently: celebrating memorial day & drinking a pina colada. summer is hereeeee.

I am also tie-dying today.

{the finished product}


Saturday, May 26, 2012

summer, you are shaping up quite nicely.

Cali in July for a long weekend. Ticket will be booked asap. It will be splendid.

Made this light dessert. mmmm...

Started volunteering at a local nursing home. Brings my heart SO much joy.

I'm going white water rafting near Starved Rock with my buddy Michael. Should be good.

Went on many fun bike rides this week. Out to Johnson's Sauk Trail Park & along the Hennepin Canal.

Life is good. things are looking up for summer 2012!

-All my love.

p.s. i have the desire to sleep outside in my back yard under the stars. I'll wait for a brisk, clear night. Those Astronomy classes paid off after all. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Well, I have officially been a bum for 8 days now.

I have been so restless. I always have had some kind of plan. Whether it was a trip to Australia, studying abroad in Austria, earning a personal trainers certification or going just simply going back to Franciscan University at the end of the summer for another semester.

Now it's like welcome to life.
 I went to Mass this morning; me & the old ladies. I find so much peace in God.

"Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him."
-St. Augustine of Hippo

For the last year, I have asked: God! what do you want from my life??

Today, I asked: God! How can I serve you??

Saint Thérèse de Lisieux 

“I understood that every flower created by Him is beautiful, that the brilliance of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not lessen the perfume of the violet or the sweet simplicity of the daisy. I understood that if all the lowly flowers wished to be roses, nature would no longer be enamelled with lovely hues. And so it is in the world of souls, Our lord's living garden.” 
St. Therese de Lisieux

God is calling each of us to serve Him & one another. He is calling us to love every person. Including our enemies. He calls us to forgive one another. To let things go.

Do not be afraid to love! Trust that God will give you courage, strength & perseverance.

He didn't create us for nothing. There is a purpose for my life.

We have a vocation to leave every person moved, changed, better that we come into contact with.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta said: "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

Go forth dear ones!!! BE NOT AFRAID! 

"Lord Jesus, take my life and make it wholly pleasing to you. Sanctify me in your truth and guide me by your Holy Spirit that I may follow you faithfully where ever you lead."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

sweet, sweet summer.

Summer is rapidly approaching.

This means a lot of things.

sunshine. bonfires. late night walks. getting in shape and eating healthy. old friends. applying for jobs. spontaneous adventures. hiking. getting tan. visiting Andrew & Meg in cali!! WOOO!!! camping. trying to surf. music festivals and concerts. sleeping under the stars. swimming in lakes. fishing. taking a ton of pictures. reading good books in the sun. drinking countless cups of tea and coffee. watermelon. fireworks. smoothies. pina coladas on the beach. fireflies. prayer in the Madonna Chapel. road trips. canoeing. cloud gazing and naps under trees. bike rides. picnics. pool parties. wild flowers. climbing trees. tie dying. running around barefoot.

A good country song on the radio, while driving down the road, windows down, wind blowing through your hair.

Living simply appeals to me so much. Enjoying life's little simplicities. A good, quality cup of coffee, shared with a dear friend.
Quality. NOT quantity. enjoying the little things in life. true happiness. pure joy.

The summer before I studied abroad in Austria, I had to work and save as much money as possible. I found different ways to have fun. Rather than shopping, I would go on a nice long hike, or an adventurous bike ride. I would wake up early and enjoy a good cup of tea, sit in the sun, and read a book. I went canoeing down the Fox River with one of my best buddies. I spent the 4th of July on the lake with a few friends. I listened to A LOT of Jack Johnson & Josh Ritter. My cousin, Pablo, also visited from Poland, so we went to the Zoo. We went fishing, played sand volleyball and went on some hikes on the trails at our local state park. What a dream of a summer...

That summer is so memorable. There is so much beauty in simplicity.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


I recently graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and here I am, the world at my fingertips.
I find myself at a standstill; at a fork in the road. Where do I go from here?

Many adventures await. The last four years of my life were remarkable. Yet, I know my time in Ohio is done. I learned so many life lessons, and met people that I will carry in my heart for the rest of my life.  My heart simply bursts when I think of incredible friends I said goodbye to, knowing they impacted my life in ways I cannot begin to describe. All I can say is that I'm not quite the same as I started. I am truly blessed.

I was challenged in ways that I never thought possible. After its all said and done, I wouldn't have changed a thing. I am confident that everything turned out exactly as it was supposed to. I feel at peace with everything, and have no regrets. God gave me everyone that I needed: to help me, break me, leave me and love me.

The most beautiful thing in the world was being surrounded by young people striving for Holiness. People trying to be good. Falling and failing, but persevering. Genuine people, sharing their hearts and brokenness. I am a better woman for having known them. 

Although my time at Franciscan is over, I can fondly look back on the memories: the cups of tea shared over  heartfelt conversation. The joys and trials of sisterhood. St. Thérèse de Lisieux. Road-trips.  Hours spent in the chapel, praying relentlessly. Eucharistic Adoration. Gaming, Austria. The Loveshack & Coffee/Pandora mornings. Spontaneous adventures with dear friends. CCT. Homeless Ministry. 21st Birthday. 
Simplicity. Humility. 

We are a pilgrim people; this is our journey. 

Although I'm not quite sure where I'm going yet, I know God has a plan for my life, and I'm trusting that whole-heartedly.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."